2nd Edition of International Conference on Cell & Stem Cell Research

August 21-23, 2023 | London, UK

August 21 -23, 2023 | London, UK
Stem Cells 2022

Ravi Kumar Chittoria

Speaker at Cell & Stem Cell Research 2022 - Ravi Kumar Chittoria
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (Svims) University, India
Title : Guidelines for burns dressings


Aims & Objectives: To review international & national guidelines for burns dressings.

Introduction: A Dressing is defined as a clean or sterile material applied directly to wounded or diseased tissue to absorb secretions, protect from trauma, administer medications, maintain wound cleanliness, or stop bleeding.1 Guidelines are required to choose dressing on scientific basis, evidence based, avoiding bias in selection, preventing commercial misuse of dressing products, educate & guide burns care givers.2-5 History to current practice of use of regenerative medicine is discussed.

Materials & Methods: Cochrane & literature search-based review of articles on guidelines for burns dressings are done to arrive at conclusion for burns care providers.

Results: A Summary and conclusion was arrived.

Conclusion: To avoid personal bias and use burns dressing scientifically & evidence based, it’s necessary to know various international & national guidelines.  


Ravi Kumar Chittoria, PhD

Born & brought up in New Delhi, India.
Completed Graduation (MBBS) & Postgraduation (MS in General Surgery and MCh & PhD in Plastic Surgery) in India.
Underwent Higher Training in Laser Surgery, Endoscopic Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery from USA and Training in Mesotherapy, Fillers from France.
Received 9 Fellowships including Fellowship from Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS-Ed).
Has been Awarded 47 Awards including Oscar of Medicine International BMJ Award.
