2nd Edition of International Conference on Cell & Stem Cell Research

August 21-23, 2023 | London, UK

August 21 -23, 2023 | London, UK

Stem Cells: Molecular Mechanism, Apoptosis and Signal Transduction

Stem Cells: Molecular Mechanism, Apoptosis and Signal Transduction

For both fundamental and translational scientists, a molecular and mechanistic knowledge of the control of stem cell fate is a major concern. One of the most fundamental problems in biology is how cellular variety is formed. Homeostasis necessitates the continuous activity of stem cells to renew and replace terminally differentiated or senescent cells once development is complete.

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a type of cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms. Apoptosis regulates the self-renewal and population of stem cells to some extent. Apoptosis is what keeps the number of stem cells in balance between those that are lost due to differentiation or apoptosis and those that are gained due to proliferation. As a result, apoptosis is crucial in the regulation of cell number and growth, as well as the elimination of aberrant and severely damaged cells. Because of its importance, the apoptosis process is meticulously controlled.

Cell apoptosis signalling can start on the cell surface via the receptor-induced signalling pathway, or inside the cell via the release of proapoptotic substances such cytochrome c from activated mitochondria. In response to both intrinsic and external stimuli, many kinase signal transduction pathways regulate the fundamental pluripotency transcription factors, retaining stem cell self-renewal and differentiation potential.

  • Cellular Mechanism
  • Cell Cycle and Its Control in Stem Cells
  • Computational Model of Stem Cell Molecular Mechanism
  • Cellular and Tissue Homeostasis
  • Stem Cell Ageing
  • Apoptotic Responses of Stem Cells
  • Stem Cell Transplantation
  • Self-Renewal and Proliferation of Stem Cell
  • Apoptotic Pathways
  • Signalling of Stem-Cell Proliferation and Survival
  • Signals Regulating Stem-Cell Differentiation
Committee Members
Speaker at Cell & Stem Cell Research 2023 - Alain chapel

Alain chapel

Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, France
Speaker at Cell & Stem Cell Research 2023 - P K Prem Ravi Varma

P K Prem Ravi Varma

Cancer Research Centre, India
Speaker at Cell & Stem Cell Research 2023 - Ahmed G Hegazi

Ahmed G Hegazi

National Research Center, Egypt
Stem Cells - 2023 Speakers
Speaker at Cell & Stem Cell Research 2023 - Alain chapel

Alain chapel

Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, France

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